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As a Senior Manager at Arthur Andersen one thing I was taught that I will never forget is how to properly serve a client. We were not simply their auditors but we were taught to be their true business partners. I enjoy sitting down with my clients and working through their situations and helping determine the best course of action or the best person that can assist them. I work to build lasting relationships with my clients so when they call with a need, they know I am there to help them, not just sell them services.


I have over 20 years of professional service experience where I served publicly traded and privately held clients. As a Senior Director of Client Service and Managing Director of the NY office of Resources Global Professionals, I worked closely with clients to determine their needs and help them solve their problems or enhance their company. During my tenure I have been able to build great relationships that have lasted and followed me throughout my career.





I believe respect needs to be earned. In this business many people believe they can provide companies with candidates with a just in time approach. If you do not provide the right candidate for the right engagement it will fall apart. Many times you have to look beyond just the technical skills and look at the management and soft skills of the candidate.


Another important component is to be respected enough by your client that you can be completely honest with them and that they trust your judgment. An example of this is when I received an urgent call from a client saying they needed 25 consultants the following week to help on a large project. I told them I was coming to their office to scope out the engagement. We already had about 15 consultants at the client working on numerous projects at the same location. We sat down, talked through their need, met with the current team and determined with a little shifting we could create some capacity within our existing team and then supplement with a few additional consultants. The client was extremely impressed that I did not just send out the additional 25 consultants. The client’s management team was praised for their efficient, cost effective solution. It is always easy to just send the client what they ask for but I believe you should make sure you always consider the best, cost efficient and effective way. Always be passionate about your client’s success!





I am passionate about helping others. Over a decade ago, my husband and I started a non-profit organization called Nana’s Gift. Our mission is to help underserved children in northern New Jersey celebrate the holiday season. During our first year, we provided 35 children, whom were all living in a homeless shelter, holiday gifts consisting of toys, sporting goods and clothes. Each year, we have been able to expand our reach and last year we were able to support over 1,000 children. In addition to the holiday gifts we have help establish libraries, gathered winter coats, hats and mittens and provided home baked holiday cookies that children decorated.

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